Doing life your way …
If you are looking for inspiration, practical tips and real-life strategies to help you overcome, grow and revitalise, you have scrolled to the right place.
The Finding Forward blog may be valuable if you are looking for:
- Practical tips on balancing the demands of life
- Inspiration on being the best you – in business, in general as a parent, or just surviving life’s challenges
- Positivity and regeneration – a renewed belief in yourself and picking yourself up when the going gets tough
- Insane lessons and reflections based on real-life experiences and learnings but also just to laugh at someone else’s silliness
The site is kept simple and unstructured as far as possible. You can find information by using keywords to search for work-related matters, when life is buried in documents, spilled coffee and overinflated co-worker ego’s, or find your forward when doing life, when it is hidden between to-do lists, homework we forgot about and teenager issues.
You will also find topics such as entrepreneurship, single-parenting, life and relationships and other “being human” glitches.
Look out for additions to this site regularly as I plan to add a newsletter, additional sections, a YouTube channel and some value-adding experiences soon.
Follow Finding Forward on FaceBook, Instagram and Pinterest by clicking on the buttons below and subscribe to get notified when a new piece is up! I try and publish often, so check back regularly.
I hope you find the inspiration to Finding your Forward between these pages.
Please check back soon and tell me what you think!
To read the latest blog posts click here.